среда, 29 сентября 2010 г.

Intro lecture

This is Power Point presentation of the introductionary lection on our course. Forgive me about equations -- I will replace ASAP this document by rewritten pdf version, I'm not so familiar with Power Point -- I always use LaTeX for technical/math notes :(

For additionary materials you can refer to wiki, first off all
(Here considered many things about which I haven’t said any words at all, and we don't actually planed cover them. For example natural language processing, social intelligence, AI-complete computational problems and so on)

Good general introduction on AI you can find in recommended "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach" by Russel and Norvig.

Very old, but interesting and quite lengthy introduction to intelligent control with discussion on classical control vs intelligent control
Also for more concrete review of intelligent control theory refer to article
(or maybe we get back to this article a little bit later)


Unfortunately, there is no one single book which fully contain material of whole course. Therefore, for each lecture, we will specify a list of relevant supplementary materials.

However, I can recommend the following books and resources that, in my view, most fully reflects presented approach.

вторник, 28 сентября 2010 г.

And Here We Go...

What we can say? There are so many excellent minds at the Faculty of Control systems, but why they chose us -- geeks that only can tell how to create most insane and idiotic devices -- it is a great riddle :))

But we are pleased to welcome you in our department and this is a great honor for us to share with you all little what we know on artificial intelligence and its application in control/mechanical systems.

This course is experimental and therefore we ask you to support us by feedback, suggestions, and always welcome for any questions and discussions on everything that happens in our lectures and labs.

We hope that you will not be disappointed with the material in this course and learn many new and useful things here. Also we look forward to a fruitful and constructive working dialogue! :)

Alex & Andrey,
Department of Mechatronics and robotics (aka Automats)