среда, 29 сентября 2010 г.


Unfortunately, there is no one single book which fully contain material of whole course. Therefore, for each lecture, we will specify a list of relevant supplementary materials.

However, I can recommend the following books and resources that, in my view, most fully reflects presented approach.

Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009
Classical and most famous book on AI

Pedro Ponce-Cruz, Fernando D. Ramírez-Figueroa. Intelligent Control
Systems with LabVIEW. Springer, 2009
Book covers basics industridal applications of intelligent control and implementation of them in LabVIEW. Recomended for first reading on topic.

Antonio Ruano. Intelligent Control Systems Using Computational
Intelligence Techniques, 2005
Review of some advanced control techniques, including model identification, neuro-fuzzy logic controllers, motion planning and so on.

Here basic online documentations:
- on MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
- on MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox

Also, Andrey will provide particular list of books and sources for his part (computer vision).

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